Tech & Prizes: Smartphone Basics

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Program Type:

Digital Literacy

Age Group:

19+ Years
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Would you like to win a new laptop?! Join us for our interactive workshops on computer and digital skill-building to be entered into a drawing to win ONE OF TWENTY brand new Chromebooks! One Chromebook will be given away at the end of each session. Learn new skills in a relaxing and supportive environment with the help of the library’s Digital Navigators. 

In this workshop, learn to send text messages, take pictures, use navigation and more on your smartphone. 

Drinks and snacks will be provided for attendees. Workshop participants will also be entered into a drawing for a Visa gift card and receive other giveaways. 

Twelve workshops will be included in this series and the more you attend, the better your chances of winning a new Chromebook! 

Workshops are a part of the PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Incentive, supported by AT&T, which provides support to libraries of all sizes to conduct digital literacy training in their communities and help close the digital divide across America. 

Registration is required by calling 910-483-7727 ext. 1481 or registering online.